Selected images in my Archive are available as large format Lightjet Prints for display as wall art.

About the Aluminium Float Frame Lightjet Prints

Lightjet are archival quality traditional photographic prints produced from digital source with laser light. The prints are laminated on a 4mm aluminium backing panel and aluminium sub-frame providing an absolutely flat surface. The frameless print appears to float 20mm off the surface of the wall. The 4mm edge of the aluminium panel is brushed raw aluminium. The print surface is sealed with a satin finish to protect from damage.

Available sizes

90x60cm lightjet print mounted on aluminium with aluminium sub-frame and seal

100x150cm lightjet print mounted on aluminium with aluminium sub-frame and seal

Sealed photograph laminated onto Aluminium gives a reflection-free absolutely flat image

90x60cm Print appears to float in front of wall, fitting in with modern decor. Angle of view also shows satin lamination.

Detail of corner of 100x150cm print showing print laminated to aluminum backing panel and aluminium sub-frame behind

Photography © Quintin Lake, 2010